12th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference
Satellite Cities: The Role of the Industrial Suburbs in the Heritage of the Calumet Region
12th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Program 8:30 a.m. to Noon p.m.
Choice of Afternoon Paddling Tour or Walking Tour
City of Blue Island Community Activity Center
2434 Vermont, Blue Island, Illinois
Sponsored by the Calumet Heritage Partnership and the City of Blue Island
Conference Brochure and Registration Form (pdf)
Venue Change: The venue has been changed to the City of Blue Island Community Activity Center, which is adjacent to City Hall at 2434 Vermont (1/2 block west of Western; Vermont is essentially 131st St.). Plenty of free parking is available across the street at Artesian and Vermont.
To pre-register by mail print the conference brochure (above) and send your completed registration form with payment to the address provided.
To pre-register online send an e-mail to Mike Siola [email protected] with the subject “Calumet Heritage Conference” and include the information requested on the registration form (name address, phone, whether you want to take the walking tour or the paddle tour and rent a Kayak or Canoe and if applicable if your organization would like exhibit space). Finally indicate whether you are making payment via PayPal or will make payment at the conference. To make payment via PayPal click the button below (while the description reads “Help Save ACME steel, payment will be applied to the conference.) You may also renew your membership this way.
The 12th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference, on Saturday, October 22, 2011 in Blue Island, Illinois, is a celebration of the Calumet region’s foundations and future………its diverse heritage.
A constellation of satellite cities has grown around Chicago over the past century to give shape to the industrial economy, society and landscape of the Calumet region. Each city fits into the network; but each is its own special place. Few places offer a better vantage point to consider industrial suburbs than Blue Island, a diverse and vibrant community since 1835.