8th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference
Beyond Artifacts: The Living Element in Industrial Heritage Areas
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Program 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Free Pullman Factory Tour 1:30 2:30 pm
Pullman House Tour at additional charge
New Academic Library at Chicago State University
9501 South Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Chicago, Illinois
Sponsored by the Calumet Heritage Partnership and Chicago State University
Beyond Artifacts: The Living Element in Industrial Heritage Areas
The 8th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference, on Saturday, October 13, 2007, in the New Academic Library at Chicago State University, is a celebration of the Calumet region’s foundations and future………its heritage.
Changing regional fortunes can mean that familiar landmarks and landscapes vanish forever. Rather than closing off the possibility of regional heritage interpretation, such setbacks can lead to surprising new opportunities to explore an area’s life and livelihoods. This conference explores the theme of industrial heritage interpretation when the physical structures are gone.
The CALUMET HERITAGE PARTNERSHIP is a diverse bi state coalition of environmental, cultural and historical organizations, individuals, libraries, educational institutions, municipalities and government agencies. Its mission is to
identify, preserve, protect, and reclaim the natural, historical, cultural, and recreational treasures of the Calumet region.
Join the Calumet Heritage Partnership (CHP) when you Annual Dues: |
Schedule of Events
9:00 |
OPENING REMARKS The Next Day, and the Next: Doing History After Demolition Dr. Sharon Ann Holt Director, Mid Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH), Rutgers University |
10:30 | EXHIBITS |
11:00 |
Extending the Labor Trail to the Calumet Region Beyond the Coke Plant: New Developments on the Acme Steel Museum Project Dr. Mark Bouman Marian Byrnes |
12:00 |
Historic Pullman Tours
Join us for a free guided tour of the Pullman Factory and Hotel Florence at 1:30 conducted
by Mike Wagenbach, Supervisor of the Pullman State Historic Site. An optional walking tour through the homes of the Pullman community on Chicago’s southeast side is also available at a discounted rate of $17.00 for
Calumet Heritage Conference attendees.
Registration Information
You may register either by mail or by phone. The fee includes conference materials and lunch. Advance registration is recommended by October 5, 2007 to assure yourself space and a lunch. For more information about the conference or house tour, please contact Michael Siola at (773) 995 2964.
Directions To The Conference
The 2007 Calumet Heritage Conference is being held in the Auditorium of the New Academic Library located on the campus of Chicago State University at 9501 S. King Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Campus parking is $4.00
From NW Indiana or the South Suburbs:
Take Interstate 80/94 (the Bishop Ford Expressway) north and exit at Stony Island Avenue/95th Street. Turn left at 95th Street and Stony Island Avenue and proceed west to the St. Lawrence Avenue entrance. Follow the signs to the New Academic Library.
From Downtown Chicago: Take the Dan Ryan Expressway (I 94) south from the Loop and exit the expressway at 95th Street. Turn left and proceed east for 3/4 mile to the St. Lawrence Avenue entrance and follow the posted signs to the New Academic Library.
Registration Form (to print, fill out, and mail)