9th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference
Calumet Crossroads: Changes and
Challenges In Regional Transportation
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Program 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Bus Tour 1:00-5:00 pm
Indiana University Northwest – Savannah Center
3400 Broadway, Gary, Indiana
Sponsored by the Calumet Heritage Partnership and Indiana University Northwest
Join the Calumet Heritage Partnership (CHP) when you
register and receive a $5 discount for the conference.
Annual Dues:Individual Sustaining $ 20.00
Individual $ 10.00
Senior Citizen / Student $ 5.00
Non-Profit Organization $ 25.00
Corporate/Government $ 50.00
The 9th Annual Calumet Heritage Conference, on Saturday, October 18, 2008, in the Savannah Center at Indiana University Northwest in Gary, is a celebration of the Calumet region’s foundations and future… its diverse heritage.
Transportation has always been a key to the development of the Calumet Region. From the early trails of Native Americans to the South Shore Line, transportation routes have served as catalysts for the rise of the region’s towns and cities and led to the rapid industrialization of the “Workshop of America”. This conference will pay tribute to our region’s transportation past as well as examine plans for the future of transportion across the Calumet region.
The CALUMET HERITAGE PARTNERSHIP is a diverse bi-state coalition of environmental, cultural and historical organizations, community residents, libraries, educational institutions, municipalities and government agencies. Its mission is to identify, preserve, protect, and reclaim the natural, historical, cultural and recreational treasures of the Calumet region.
Schedule of Events
Mark Bouman, CHP President
Steve McShane, Curator, Calumet
Regional Archives at IUN
Commemorating 100 Years of the South
Shore Line and Electric Rail: Looking
Back, Moving Forward
Bob Harris, Electric Rail Historian and
Preservationist, Network of Rail & Wire:
Placing the South Shore Line in the
Historical Context of Electric Railroad
John Hankey, Historian and Museum
Consultant, City of Michigan City
Michigan City’s South Shore Line
Museum Project
11:00 Looking Forward, Moving Forward:
Transportation Planning Across the
Calumet Region
Transportation Planning in Valparaiso
Craig Phillips, City Planning Director,
Department of City Planning, Valparaiso
2030 Regional Transportation Plan
for Northeastern Illinois
Thomas Murtha, Chicago Metropolitan
Planning Agency (CMAP)
12:00 LUNCH
Bus Tour
Join us for a guided tour of the historic Lincoln Highway across northwest Indiana with local author Cynthia Ogorek. The bus will leave the Savannah Center immediately after lunch and will return at approximately 5:00 PM. There is an
additional $10.00 fee for the bus tour.
Registration Information
You may register either by mail or by phone. The registration fee includes all conference materials and a box lunch. Advance registration is recommended by October 14, 2008 to assure yourself space and a lunch.
For more information about the conference or bus tour, please contact Michael Siola at (773) 995-2964.
Directions To The Conference
The 2008 Calumet Heritage Conference is being held in the Savannah Center located on the campus of Indiana University Northwest at 3400 Broadway Avenue in Gary, Indiana. (Map and directions at http://www.iun.edu/maps/)
From NW Indiana: Take Interstate 80/94 to the
Broadway southbound exit (#10). Take Broadway
south to 33rd Avenue. Turn right. The Savannah
Center is on the left.
From Illinois: Take Interstate 80/94 East to the
Broadway southbound exit (#10). Take Broadway
south to 33rd Avenue. Turn right. The Savannah
Center is on the left.