Calumet Heritage Area Initiative Public Outreach Toolkit
Calumet Heritage Area Initiative Public Outreach Toolkit
The list below contains a variety of public outreach communication tools available to you. These tools can be used to inform, educate and build support for the Calumet NHA. Please feel free to incorporate them into future meetings, presentations and events around the region. For feasibility study documentation purposes, please notify us if you give a presentation on the Calumet NHA Initiative by emailing [email protected]. Thank you.
You may download resources individually below or just download this convenient zip file that contains all of the resources except for the video.
A Calumet Heritage Area: Questions and Answers (PDF) – Informational brochure that serves as a starting point for learning about the basics of Heritage Areas and how they might apply to the Calumet region
Heritage Area 101 Sheet (PDF) – An introduction to Heritage Areas two-page sheet, provided by the National Park Service
Creating a Calumet National Heritage Area Presentation(Power Point right click to download) – A 6-slide overview of the Calumet NHA Initiative in PowerPoint
Creating a Calumet National Heritage Area Presentation(PDF) – A 6-slide overview of the Calumet NHA Initiative in PDF format
Best Practices, Key Messages and Talking Points for PowerPoint Presentation – Materials to review prior to giving a presentation
Sample Program Descrption and Bio Template (Word right click to download) – An example of a program description and bio that can be provided to host organization prior to your presentation
Video (MP4) – A 6-minute video on the effort to create a Calumet National Heritage Area narrated by Mark Bouman, President of Calumet Heritage Partnership
Video Transcript
Video Transcript
Can’t find what you are looking for? Email [email protected]